Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Are These People?

That is a very good question, in fact that might be the right question! Or is it? It was recently brought to my attention that I did not talk much about the team I am going to Kenya with this summer in my support letter. This may be attributed to several different things, probably the primary reason being that I don't know them!

Wo, say  what Tim? Your going to Kenya this summer and you don't know the team? Crazy thought huh? Crazy that I am going to a land unknown with 6 other people that upon first glance are no further in life than I am. Crazy to think that God has called me to spend 10 weeks living in extremely close proximity to people I have never met, or even talked to for that matter. Is that idea crazy though?

God is big, way big. My presumption would be that most people reading this would agree with that statement. So if we have that perception are we allowed to look at this situation and say 'that is crazy'?

No! You see crazy, by definition, is  something full of cracks or flaws, unsound. Crazy is generally accepted in a negative conontation. The idea of someone following Gods calling is never crazy, no matter the circumstances. Unorthodox in our eyes maybe, but not flawed or unsound. Our awesome God is perfect and thus His plans are. Something incredible to think about following Gods plan is that it always works out for the furthering of His kingdom.

My decision to become a part of this team was due to the sole fact that God opened a door and asked that I step through it, and out of obedience I did just that. It had nothing to do with the fact that these 6 other people are my friends or awesome people that I wanted to hang out with over the summer. I have faith that if He ordained this path, that the 6 other people on this team are incredible servants with sole purpose of glorifying their master and commander and I needent worry about exactly how 'compatible' I am with them,

Now that is not to say that I shouldn't get to know them as much as possible before we embark on this journey, and with time, I am sure that will happen. It is just difficult because they live a solid 12 hours away in Fort Collins, CO. Yupp, they aren't from around these parts. Eileen, Hanna, Joe, and Brandon attend Colorado State University, Rachel goes to Metropolitan State College of Denver. Ryann lives in Denver. Obviously I am the odd ball in Norman, OK.

As the weeks progress and school begins to wind down for them, team meetings and prayers will occur presenting an avenue to learn a few tid bits about these servant hearted college age students. Not completely in tune with Facebook stalking,  I will try and learn as to figure out more about these 6 others I have been given the opportunity to serve with. If you choose to follow my blog, I will talk about them and my hope would be that by the end of this journey you wouldn know only my heart, but theirs as well. Hopefully this question will be answered not only for me, but you as well.